Tuesday, June 30, 2015

4 Years Later...

What happened to the last 4 years? Where did the time go? Something that was once such a huge part of my life, just gets forgotten and left by the wayside. I stopped writing in this blog, for reasons I can't remember. But to look back and see all of the inspirational comments and to even look back and see myself as I was four years ago, things are so different now. Unfortunately, I wish that meant that things were different in the ways that I have taken better care of myself, but alas, that is not the case. I'm now thirty pounds heavier than I was 4 years ago, but for some odd reason, I thought back to this blog that I started. It could partially be because I am on a new weight loss journey, and registered myself for my first 5k happening on January 1, 2016; But to see all the support that was given to me four years ago, it just breaks my heart that I gave up back then. It makes me wonder how different things would have been if I didn't. I'm not sure anyone even still follows this anymore, given that it's been so long since I've last written, but if anyone is still there, I will try to keep up with this as far as my new plan to revitalize myself. I have 6 months exactly to get myself in shape to run 3.1 miles, and I have my own wedding to attend 6 months after that. There will always be reasons to better myself and loose all the weight I have held since I was a child, but on the flip side, there will always be reasons to start tomorrow. As I said before, it's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it.

Reading the comments that such generous people put over 4 years ago has melted my heart once again. It is astonishing to see the out pour of support and love from people who don't even know who I am. Even if no one continues to read this, and even if I don't continue to write, I will always look back on those comments when I need a pick me up. If anyone is still reading, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. So many years later, your words still mean so much to me.

Let's try this again. Although I'm not sure I can keep the name "Blog of an Overweight Teen" considering I'm 20 years old now...

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